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rusty blackbird造句

"rusty blackbird"是什么意思  
  • Small flocks of rusty blackbirds were once commonly found on the Lakeland count.
  • Sighting submission services such as eBird are encouraging birders to keep track of rusty blackbirds.
  • The International Rusty Blackbird Working Group has been actively coordinating and conducting research on this species since 2005.
  • Formerly abundant, the rusty blackbird has undergone one of the most rapid declines of any abundant bird species in North America in recent years, for reasons that are not well understood.
  • Additionally, citizen science projects such as the North American Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count have determined that rusty blackbirds have dropped 85 %  98 % in the past 40 years.
  • The diversity of habitats on the peninsula makes it an ideal home for over 320 species of birds . ( For comparison, the United States has about 925 bird species . ) Forty-five of the bird species found in the park are listed as " endangered " or " threatened ", including the piping plover, cerulean warbler, rusty blackbird and saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow.
  • It's difficult to see rusty blackbird in a sentence. 用rusty blackbird造句挺难的
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